Friday, January 25, 2008

Ganesha Bhajans - Gauri Nandana Gajanana

Ganesha Bhajans

Devotional Singing always opens with a prayer to Lord Ganesh, the elephant headed son of Shiva, who helps us to overcome obstacles.

Gauri Nandana Gajanana

Gouri nandhana gajaanana
Girijaanandhana Neeranjana
Parvati Nandhana Shubanana
Pahi Prabhomam pahi pransanna
Shanmukha Sodhara Gajaanana
Shanmukha Pradhaana Neeranjana
Shambu kumara gajaanana
Shambhavi thanaya shubanana

Gowri’s Sun, the elephant-headed god,
the one who has no darkness (is full of knowledge)
Parvati’s son who has a beautiful face.
Protect me oh Lord, oh ever-present one!
Oh Shanmukha’s brother,
Oh Shanmukha’s older brother,
Shiva’s son Shambhavi’s son